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We Are Passionate. We Are Committed. We Are Creative.

Our Vision

To be the most trustworthy and responsible supplier

Our Mission

Consistently innovate products and create maximum value for customers; help customer to success, at the same time pursuing our own development.

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About Us

IHUAQI Technology focus on the fields of Smartphone,Tablet PC and vogue consumer electronics products, integrated in product design, R&D, manufacturing and sales. Based on the customers’ needs, in order to help our customers creating value and success, IHUAQI innovate Continuously around the DLP Smart Projector, LCD Projector and peripheral products.

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Our Mission
Consistently innovate products and create maximum value for customers; help customer to success, at the same time pursuing our own development.

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Our Philosophy
  • Focus customers demand; consistently create maximum value for customers.
  • Continuously innovation and change, to provide the most competitive products and services for our customers.
  • To improve quality, lower costs, improve product lines continuously, and upgrade customer’s market performance.
  • Serving our customers is the only reason IHUAQI exists; Customer demand is the fundamental driving force of our development.


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Our Services

We provide OEM/ODM service. Make for your brands, and provide packing service. The main product lines are DLP Smart Pico Projector, LCD Projector and accessories.

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Our Commitment
Good quality, best price, rapid reply and good service.
All of our products warranty 1 year, and all focus of our customers’ treated well and high efficiently.

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100% Independent
Duis nec pulvinar justo. Integer pellentesque, nisl non vehicula ultricies, tellus magna luctus diam, gravida rutrum arcu dolor nec ante. Quisque scelerisque mauris ut cursus auctor.

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To be the most trustworthy and responsible supplier.

Our vision is to be the most trustworthy Chinese suppliers in the world. Relying on the good faith cooperation and the best service, enhance customer market competitiveness and profitability continuously, based on customer demand; in the wake of our customers’ success, access to our own development.

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Find the reliable Supplier in China

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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Corporation Moral–The TRUST moral

T is the Truth.Respect the facts, realistic, frank treatment of every person and every thing.
R is Responsibility.Everyone has to be clear in their own enterprises should play the role and the responsibility, to assume the responsibility they should bear.seriously, definitely not muddle through.

U is Unselfishness.Enterprise employees to display their abilities on the stage, the success of certain employees is the result of selfless work and dedication.more consideration for others will be able to win the confidence.

S is Security.Security is the common needs of businesses and customers.We must abide by the law, integrity management, the establishment of the financial early warning mechanism, the emergency personnel, crisis management procedures, and so on.ensure the sustainable development of enterprises.

T is Teamwork.Teamwork is necessary for the success of modern enterprises and individuals,is a personal and business composed of the organic system, in any aspect of the problem would lead to paralysis of the entire system.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]


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